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Jonas Westerberg was recently interviewed by Top Ranked Legal about the Swedish IP market.

Link to the article : Link

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New protection for crafts and industrial products

Hans Eriksson and Petter Larsson have authored an expert commentary about the EU-wide GI protection scheme for crafts and industrial products which will come into force in December this year. What is required to obtain protection, how will it affect current trademark holders, and is the CJEU’s doctrine on evocation likely to apply similarly as for protected GI’s for agricultural products and wines?

The article recently published by Blendow Lexnova (in Swedish and behind paywall) may be read through the following link.

Hague Convention contracting states exempt from security for costs

Jesper Tiberg and Olof Olsson report on the case Kyrgyz Republic v UAB Garsu Pasaulis. In its decision, the Svea Court of Appeal concluded that contracting states to the 1954 Hague Convention are exempt from the requirement to provide security for costs before the Court.

Read more about the Court’s reasoning in the article which was recently published by Practical Law Arbitration and may be read through the following link to Thomson Reuters (behind paywall) or the linked PDF.

Regulatory PI trigger points

When is a medicinal product offered for sale under the Swedish Patent Act? Jonas Löfgren, Ludvig Holm and Petter Larsson discuss a recent case from the Patent and Market Court of Appeal concerning the evergreen question of the regulatory trigger points for a PI.

The article may be read through the following link to Lexology.

Court of Appeal dismisses challenge to arbitral award over alleged excess of mandate

Jesper Tiberg and Natalia Petrik discuss a recent judgment by the Svea Court of Appeal which highlights the high threshold which Swedish courts apply to demonstrate that an excess of mandate by an arbitral tribunal has affected the outcome of a case in a way that justifies setting aside an arbitral award.

The article published by Practical Law Arbitration (Thomson Reuters) may be read through the following link.

Is Sweden the next frontline for ex-player reimbursement claims?

Stefan Widmark and Petter Larsson highlight and discuss the potential risk of an upcoming judgment from the Swedish Supreme Court as reported in the International Masters of Gaming Law magazine.

The article may be read through the following link: Link

The magazine in full: Link

IPTV as the new front in online piracy

Hans Eriksson, Simon Fredriksson and Angelica Kaijser report on a number of recent copyright cases against operators of illegal IPTV services.

The article may be read through the following link to Lexology.

The Last Resort: Swedish Courts’ Review of Investment Awards

Therese Isaksson and Natalia Petrik explore key trends in challenges to investor-state awards in Swedish courts and annulment of intra-EU awards based on Achmea and Komstroy.

The article was published in ASA Bulletin, Volume 42, Issue 3 and may be accessed through the following link.

A company owned by a contracting state is an investor under a bilateral investment treaty

Therese Isaksson and Mathilda Wahlgren report on a recent judgment by the Svea Court of Appeal in which the court held that a state-owned company is an “Investor” under a bilateral investment treaty.

The article published by Practical Law Arbitration (Thomson Reuters) may be read through the following link

Communication to the public redux

Hans Eriksson reports on the Court of Justice of the European Union’s latest decisions about communication to the public in copyright law.

The article may be read through the following link to Lexology.

The Lego® exception

Simon Fredriksson and Hans Eriksson report on the famous Lego® brand’s latest IP adventures in the area of design law and the aptly named Lego® exception.

The article may be read through the following link to Lexology.

High Quality Arbitrations in Sweden

Maria Fogdestam Agius, Therese Isaksson, and Ginta Ahrel have contributed to the Swedish Arbitration Association’s publication, “High Quality Arbitrations in Sweden.” The book, which consists of five detailed reports, covers various key phases of the arbitration process. Maria, Therese, and Ginta, alongside a team of leading international arbitrators, contributed their knowledge and experience in drafting the chapters on evidentiary hearings, due process, and arbitral awards.

For those interested, the book (in Swedish) may be ordered here: Link

The mandate of arbitral tribunals

Olof Olsson analyses the mandate of arbitral tribunals in light of recent challenge cases in an article published on Kluwer Arbitration Blog.

The article may be read through the following link.

Intra-EU investment treaty award annulled as incompatible with Swedish public policy

Maria Fogdestam Agius and Mathilda Wahlgren report on a recent judgment by the Svea Court of Appeal in which the court annulled yet another intra-EU investment treaty award on the basis of its incompatibility with Swedish public policy.

The article was published by Practical Law Arbitration and may be read through the following link to Thomson Reuters (behind paywall) or linked PDF.

Award challenge rejected based on arbitrability and counsel retention issues

Maria Fogdestam Agius and Natalia Petrik have reported for Thomson Reuters Practical Law on a recent judgment by the Svea Court of Appeal where the court dismissed a challenge to an arbitral award, confirming that the fact that a party to the arbitration is subject to sanctions does not impact the dispute’s arbitrability. The court also found that the sanctioned party had been provided fair opportunities to present its case and dismissed this challenge.

The article may be read through the following link to Thomson Reuters (behind paywall) or PDF.

Svea Court of Appeal divided on when an arbitral award may be partially set aside

Ginta Ahrel and Victoria Ribbnäs have reported for Thomson Reuters Practical Law on a recent judgment by the Svea Court of Appeal where the court was divided on whether the part of the arbitral award affected by the arbitrator’s excess of mandate could be partially set aside or not.

The article may be read through the following link to Thomson Reuters Practical Law (behind paywall) or PDF.

Svea Court of Appeal annuls another intra-EU award because of incompatibility with Swedish public policy

Therese Isaksson and Tom Sundin have reported for Thomson Reuters Practical Law on a recent challenge case in which Svea Court of Appeal declared another intra-EU award invalid because of incompatibility with Swedish public policy.

The article may be read through the link to Thomson Reuters Practical Law or PDF

Launch of unique analysis of challenges to arbitration awards in Sweden over the past two decades

Ginta Ahrel, Jacob Ericson and Victoria Ribbnäs discuss the key findings of the inaugural Westerberg Arbitration Tracker 2024 in an article recently published by Thomson Reuters Practical Law. The article covers the number of challenges, their success rates and how long the cases take to be adjudicated as well as highlighting some interesting trends revealed by the data provided in the tracker.

The article may be read through the link to Thomson Reuters Practical Law Arbitration (behind paywall) or the below PDF.

The Westerberg Arbitration Tracker 2024 may be read in full here: Link

Award partially set aside where arbitrator awarded party more than it had claimed

Therese Isaksson and Victoria Ribbnäs have reported on a recent challenge case in which the Court of Appeal of Western Sweden partly set aside an arbitral award, as the court found that the sole arbitrator had exceeded its mandate by awarding one of the parties more than it had claimed in the arbitration.

The article may be read through the link to Thomson Reuters Practical Law Arbitration (behind paywall) or PDF.

Swedish Court of Appeal consistent in declaring intra-EU investment treaty award invalid on grounds of public policy

Westerberg & Partners’ Therese Isaksson and Mathilda Wahlgren report on a recent judgment by the Svea Court of Appeal in which the court annulled yet another intra-EU investment treaty award, on the basis of its incompatibility with Swedish public policy.

The article may be read through the following link (behing paywall) to Thomson Reuters’ Practical Law Arbitration or our PDF.

Award upheld as arbitrator exceeding mandate did not affect outcome of arbitration (Court of Appeal of Western Sweden)

Ginta Ahrel and Olof Olsson have reported on a recent challenge case in which the Court of Appeal of Western Sweden found that the sole arbitrator had exceeded their mandate, but upheld the award as it was not established that the excess of mandate had affected the outcome.

Thomson Reuters Practical Law Arbitration (behind paywall)

Customization of watches and trademark infringement

Hans Eriksson reports on a recent decision from the Patent and Market Court concerning a new trend in the watchmaking industry, whereby third parties customize watches, and the interesting trademark issues it raises.

The article may be read through the following link to Lexology.

Swedish Court of Appeal once again declares intra-EU investment treaty award invalid on grounds of public policy

Therese Isaksson and Natalia Petrik have reported for Thomson Reuters Practical Law on the judgment in Spain v Triodos SICAV II in which the Svea Court of Appeal annulled yet another intra-EU investment treaty award based on its incompatibility with Swedish public policy referencing the ECJ’s judgments in the Achmea, Komstroy, and PL Holdings cases.

The article may be read through the link to Thomson Reuters Practical Law (behind paywall) or PDF

Generous scope of protection for HALLOUMI designation of origin

Joanna Wallestam and Helena Wassén Öström comment on a case concerning the protected designation of origin Halloumi. The device mark “Falloumi!” was refused registration since it could be seen as a play on words for the word “Halloumi” and the use would be considered an unlawful evocation of the designation.

The article may be read through the following link to Lexology or PDF.

Presumption of validity in preliminary injunction proceedings

Wendela Hårdemark and Petter Larsson comment on a number of cases regarding the presumption of validity and the guidance provided through the decisions from the PMCA.

The article may be read through the following link to Lexology or PDF

Challenging Arbitral Awards in the Nordics: 2023 Survey

Ginta Ahrel and Tom Sundin have reported for Thomson Reuters Practical Law on the key findings of the report “Challenging Arbitral Awards in the Nordics: 2023 Survey”.

The article may be read through the link to Thomson Reuters Practical Law or PDF.

Preserving Evidence in Arbitration Proceedings: From a Swedish and Norwegian Perspective

Olof Olsson (Westerberg & Partners) and Knud Jacob Knudsen (Simonsen Vogt Wiig) have contributed to the Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook 2023 with an article which examines the possibilities to receive court assistance to preserve evidence prior to the initiation of arbitration proceedings in Sweden and Norway.

The article may be read through the following link to Kluwer Arbitration (behind paywall).

Griffins subject to trademark infringement?

Siri Alvsing and Felicia Taubert comment on a case addressed by the PMCA regarding infringements of trademarks held by one of Sweden’s largest truck manufacturers.

The article may be read through the following link to Lexology or PDF

SPC limitations: concept of “product”

Petter Larsson and Ludvig Holm comment on a recent case regarding SPCs addressed by the PMCA well worth studying closely by litigators and patent attorneys working in the pharma field, as reported in the latest International Law Office / Lexology issue on IP.

The article may be read through the following links to Lexology or PDF

Svea Court of Appeal annuls intra-EU ECT arbitration award, including in relation to non-EU investor and costs

Maria Fogdestam Agius and Tom Sundin have reported for Thomson Reuters Practical Law on the latest annulment by Swedish courts of an intra-EU investment award under the Achmea and Komstroy case law, affecting also a non-EU investor.

The article may be read through the links to Thomson Reuters Practical Law or a PDF

Unfair marketing restrictions on warning letters

Petter Larsson and Maria Bruder comment on a recent case concerning restrictions on the use of warning letters from an unfair marketing perspective as reported in the latest International Law Office / Lexology issues on IP and patents respectively.

The article may be read through the following links to Lexology or PDF.

Insurance coverage for pandemic-related business interruption

Stefan Bessman comments on a judgment from the Swedish Supreme Court concerning insurance coverage for pandemic-related business interruption caused by government restrictions, as reported by the Scandinavian Insurance Quarterly (SIQ) Nordisk försäkringstidskrift.

The article may be read through the following link (in Swedish)

Satellite broadcasts from Qatar found not to enjoy copyright protection in Sweden

Felicia Taubert and Stefan Widmark have authored an article on satellite broadcasts and copyright protection under the Copyright Act.

The article was published by Lexology and International Law Office in their newsletter on intellectual property and may be read through the following link to Lexology or PDF.

Medical Products Agency assigned to draft new model for substance-based prescription

Jonas Löfgren and Simon Fredriksson comment on the government’s recent assignment to the Medical Products Agency to review the possibility of using substance names in order to accommodate a potential future of generic prescriptions of medicinal products.

The article was published by International Law Office / Lexology in their latest newsletter for Healthcare & Life Sciences and may be read through the following link to Lexology or PDF.

Employed inventor’s right to remuneration

Wendela Hårdemark comments on a case in which the Patent and Market Court of Appeal has awarded an employed inventor fair compensation for the transfer of the patent to the employer. The Patent and Market Court of Appeal has allowed leave to appeal, and we may see long-waited guidance from the Swedish Supreme Court regarding how fair compensation to an employed inventor shall be determined.

The article was published by International Law Office / Lexology in their latest IP newsletter and may be read through the following link to Lexology or PDF.

Murder mystery copyright infringement

Westerberg & Partners’ Hans Eriksson and Filip Jerneke comment on a case where the PMCA found that the use of the claimant’s book manuscripts, without his consent, constituted copyright infringement.

The article was first published by International Law Office / Lexology and later by The Licensing Journal and may be read through the following link to Lexology or The Licensing Journal.

Who gets to be a member of a collective management organisation for copyright?

Collective management of copyright is growing in importance within many creative sectors in Sweden and internationally. Westerberg & Partners’ Filip Jerneke and Hans Eriksson write about a curious recent case from the Patent and Market Court of Appeal regarding the lucrative membership in such an organization.

The article was recently published by International Law Office / Lexology and may be read through the following link to Lexology or PDF.

Court provides guidance on balancing interests of database owners and content aggregators

The burgeoning business of online content aggregation often runs into IP-related problems when makers of databases want to protect their own investment against the content aggregator’s perceived free-riding. However, balancing the interests of database owners and content aggregators can be difficult for the national courts, as exemplified by this decision from Patent and Market Court, as Westerberg & Partners’ Hans Eriksson reports.

The article was recently published by International Law Office / Lexology and may be read through the following link to Lexology or PDF.

Patent and Market Court of Appeal clarifies concept of “product” under EU SPC Regulation

Westerberg & Partners’ Wendela Hårdemark comments on a case regarding supplementary protection where the Patent and Market Court of Appeal clarifies the concept “product” under the EU SPC Regulation.

The article was recently published by International Law Office / Lexology and may be read through the following link to Lexology or PDF.

Copyright contracts in public procurement

A decision by the PMCA which highlights the importance of limiting the scope of copyright licences is commented on by Westerberg & Partners’ Hans Eriksson and Felicia Taubert in an article published by International Law Office / Lexology.

The article may be read through the following links: Lexology or PDF

Things to consider when bringing trade secret misappropriation cases against both former employees and their new companies

A recent decision from the Swedish Labour Court exemplifies how trade secret misappropriation litigation in Sweden often gets tangled up with labour law and collective bargaining agreements. Westerberg & Partners’ Hans Eriksson untangles the complexities in a new case note published by International Law Office / Lexology in their latest newsletter on intellectual property.

The article may be read through the following links: Lexology or PDF

Swedish Supreme Court clarifies scope of framework agreement’s arbitration clause and binding effect of arbitration agreement published on website

A recent judgment by the Swedish Supreme Court clarifies the scope of a framework agreement’s arbitration clause and binding effect of arbitration agreements published on websites. Westerberg & Partners’ Ginta Ahrel and Mathilda Wahlgren report on the case in an article published by Practical Law Arbitration (Thomson Reuters).

Read more

Court rules on presumption of patent validity and product’s “embodiment” of patent

Westerberg & Partners’ Ludvig Holm and Simon Fredriksson comment on a case in which the PMCA upheld a patents presumption of validity when uncertainty persisted regarding the comparable product’s general availability on the market at the day of application.

The article was published in a recent International Law Office / Lexology issue on intellectual property and may be read through the following link to Lexology or PDF.

Jaguar replica sportscar does not constitute copyright infringement

Westerberg & Partners’ Felicia Taubert and Hans Eriksson comment on a case in which the PMCA has found a car replica to not constitute copyright infringement on unusual grounds.

The article was published in an International Law Office / Lexology issue on intellectual property and may be read through the following link to Lexology  or directly to the article.

Court reinforces presumption of validity in preliminary proceedings

Westerberg & Partners’ Ludvig Holm and Måns Ullman comment on a decision by the PMCA where the presumption of validity of granted patents in preliminary proceedings is reinforced.

The article was published in the latest International Law Office / Lexology issue on intellectual property and may be read through the following links to Lexology or the article : Link

Arbitral claims not tried on the merits do not interrupt a specifically prescribed limitation period (Skåne and Blekinge Court of Appeal)

Westerberg & Partners’ Ginta Ahrel and Victoria Ribbnäs report on a recent ruling by a Swedish Court of Appeal, which serves as an important reminder that arbitral claims not tried on the merits do not interrupt a specifically prescribed limitation period.

The article was published by Practical Law Arbitration (Thomson Reuters), and may be read through the following :  Link

Social media posts as evidence of disclosure to public

In the latest International Law Office / Lexology issue on intellectual property, Westerberg & Partners’ Annalena Nordin and Simon Fredriksson comment on a decision by the Third Board of Appeal (BoA) of the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO( on third-party social media posts constituting early disclosure of a design.

The article may be read through the following: Link

PMCA rules against employee inventors in patent assignment case

In the latest International Law Office / Lexology issue on intellectual property, Westerberg & Partners’ Wendela Hårdemark comments on a case in which the PMCA rejected two inventors’ claim to transfer a patent to them.

The article may be read through the following link or the below PDF: Link

Wet ink signature required for Swedish arbitral awards (Svea Court of Appeal)

In an article published by Practical Law Arbitration (Thomson Reuters), Westerberg & Partners’ Ginta Ahrel and Mathilda Wahlgren report on a recent judgment by a Swedish Court of Appeal underlining the importance of wet ink signatures on the arbitral awards.

The article may be read through the following link or the below PDF:

Link to PDF

Women and IP: accelerating innovation and creativity in Sweden

On World IP day, Westerberg & Partners’ Wendela Hårdemark reports on problems and progress for women in IP along with fellow experts in the IP field as International Law Office focuses on accelerating innovation and creativity.

Read more here: Link

Swedish Court sets aside arbitration award due to the tribunal exceeding its mandate (Landbyska v The Grand Group)

In an article published by LexisNexis UK, Westerberg & Partners’ Ginta Ahrel and Mathilda Wahlgren discuss the potential implications on an arbitration proceeding of a recent ruling from Svea Court of appeal in which the Court set aside the award due to the tribunal exceeding its mandate.

The article may be read through the following link or the below PDF

Link to PDF

PMCA refers question on pan-European infringement jurisdiction to CJEU

In the latest International Law Office / Lexology issue on intellectual property, Westerberg & Partners’ Björn Rundblom Andersson and Wendela Hårdemark comment on a case in which the PMCA has requested a preliminary ruling from the CJEU on the jurisdiction of Swedish courts to hear infringement cases relating to non-Swedish patents, when the validity thereof is contentious. The answer will be of great significance not only for the current patent litigation landscape but also the unitary patent system.

The article may be read through the links to ILO or the PDF:

Link to PDF

GC clarifies what constitutes genuine use in the European Union

In the latest International Law Office / Lexology issue on intellectual property, Westerberg & Partners’ Helena Wassén Öström and Mirja Johansson comment on a judgment from the General Court on the use of an EU trademark in relation to hotel services and in particular the importance of distinguishing between the place of provision of services and the place of use of the trademark.

The article may be read through the following link or the below PDF:

Link to PDF

Sweden’s new legislation on non-medicinal tobacco-free nicotine products

In the latest International Law Office / Lexology issue on healthcare & life sciences, Westerberg & Partners’ Jonas LöfgrenJosefine Lindén and Simon Fredriksson comment on The Nicotine Act and discuss the content and ramifications of this relatively new legislation.

The article may be read through the following link or the below PDF:

Link to PDF

Interpretation of EU Brussels Ia Regulation for patent applications deposited and patents granted in third countries

In the latest International Law Office / Lexology issue on intellectual property, Westerberg & Partners’ Ludvig HolmBjörn Rundblom Andersson and Filip Jerneke comment on a judgment from the Patent and Market Court of Appeal regarding the interpretation of the EU Brussels Ia Regulation and an entitlement action regarding patents and patent applications in third countries.

The article may be read through the following link or the below PDF:

Link to PDF

Courts must consider third party personal data interests when assessing document production requests (Norra Stockholm Bygg v Nycander)

In an article published by LexisNexis UK, Westerberg & Partners’ Jacob Ericson and Victoria Ribbnäs discuss the potential implications on arbitration proceedings of a recent preliminary ruling from the Court of Justice concerning third party personal data interests in document production.

The article may be read through the following:
Link to PDF
Link (Subscription required)

Highlights from the Nordic Arbitration Day

The recently held Nordic Arbitration Day provided a great opportunity to discuss the current state of play of arbitration in the Nordics. Westerberg & Partners’ Jacob Ericson participated in the discussions on the topic of guerilla tactics in arbitration and has authored an article for LexisNexis UK covering the highlights.

The article may be read through the following links:
Link (subscription required)

PMC provides guidance on copyright to replacement parts of design furniture and repair limitations

In the latest International Law Office / Lexology issue on intellectual property, Westerberg & Partners’ Stefan Widmark and Petter Larsson discuss a widely debated judgment from the Patent and Market Court regarding copyright protection to a replacement pad to the Jetsson armchair designed by Swedish designer Bruno Mathsson. The case also concerns the outer limits of private use and in essence the right to repair works of applied art.

The article may be read through the following link or the below PDF

Link to PDF

Swedish Supreme Court weighs in on SPCs – possible increase in Swedish referrals to CJEU

In a recent International Law Office / Lexology issue on Intellectual property, Westerberg & Partners’ Wendela Hårdemark and Jonas Löfgren foresee an increase in referrals to the CJEU as a result of a ruling from the Swedish Supreme Court.

The article may be read through the following link to International Law Office / Lexology or the below PDF

Link to PDF

Comments on the annulment of the PL Holdings award

In the latest International Law Office / Lexology issue on Arbitration & ADR, Westerberg & Partners’ Olof Olsson, Maria Fogdestam Agius and Ginta Ahrel report on the first arbitral award to be annulled by the Swedish Supreme Court under the Swedish Arbitration Act for being contrary to public policy.

The article may be read through the following link to International Law Office / Lexology or the below PDF:

Link to PDF

Designer table enjoys protection as work of applied art

In the latest International Law Office / Lexology issue on Intellectual property, Westerberg & Partners’ Josefine LindénFilip Jerneke and Hans Eriksson, report on a case concerning infringement of works of applied art in the form of a dining table.

The article may be read through the following link to International Law Office / Lexology or the below PDF

Link to PDF

Swedish Patent and Market Court applies new CJEU case law on reboxing medicinal products

Westerberg & Partners’ Hans Eriksson recently reported on a case from the Patent and Market Court through which the Swedish pharma market has received important clarifications on the reboxing of medicinal products.

The article may be read through the following link to International Law Office / Lexology or the below PDF:

Open PDF

Four years since the re-regulation of the Swedish gambling market – trends and outlook

Westerberg & Partners’ Petter Larsson, Hans Eriksson and Stefan Widmark have authored an expert insight published by the International Association of Gaming Advisors (IAGA).

The article may be read through the following link.

Another nail in the CBD coffin in Sweden

In the latest International Law Office / Lexology issue on Healthcare & Life Sciences, Westerberg & Partners’ Måns Ullman reports on the ruling by the Administrative Court of Uppsala to uphold the Swedish Medicinal Products Agency’s decision to prohibit a Dutch company from selling CBD products for oral consumption in Sweden.

Link to Lexology here

Download PDF

Swedish Supreme Court annuls arbitral awards because of their inconsistency with Swedish public policy

Westerberg & Partners’ Olof Olsson, Maria Fogdestam Agius and Ginta Ahrel recently authored an article on the annulment of arbitral awards by the Swedish Supreme Court because of their inconsistency with Swedish public policy as published by Practical Law Arbitration.

Link to article here

Swedish Court of Appeal annuls intra-EU investment arbitration award

Westerberg & Partners reports on the annulment of an intra-EU investment arbitration award in an article authored by Olof Olsson, Maria Fogdestam Agius and Ginta Ahrel recently published by Practical Law Arbitration.

Link to the article here

Gaming Law 2022

Westerberg & Partners is pleased to have contributed to Chambers and Partners’ Global Practice Guide on Gaming Law 2022 with the Swedish section authored by Stefan Widmark, Hans Eriksson, and Petter Larsson.

To quote Chambers and Partners, the guide “provides the latest legal information on land-based and online gambling; B2C and B2B licences; application requirements; affiliates; white labels; responsible gambling; AML legislation; restrictions on advertising; acquisitions and changes of control; trends in social gaming, esports, fantasy sports and blockchain; and taxation.”

The chapter on developments in Sweden may be read here
The Gaming Law Guide featuring all 32 jurisdictions is available here


A structured analysis of the implementation of Articles 18–23 of the Directive (EU) 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market into Swedish law

Wendela Hårdemark (Westerberg & Partners) and Silvia A Carretta (Uppsala University) have co-authored the article “A structured analysis of the implementation of Articles 18–23 of the Directive (EU) 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market into Swedish law” recently published by The Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice.

The article may be accessed through the following link

Infringement of radio and television companies’ signal rights in Sweden

The hijacking and illegal rebroadcast over the internet of radio and television companies’ broadcasting signals infringing television companies’ exclusive rights is the topic when Westerberg & Partners’ Hans Eriksson and Oliver Edstrand report on a recent case from the Patent and Market Court of Appeal in International Law Office / Lexology.

The article may be read through the following link.

Patent litigation in Sweden

Björn Rundblom Andersson and Petter Larsson have contributed to the 6th edition of The Patent Litigation Law Review reporting on developments in patent litigation in Sweden.

The chapter may be read through the following link: Link to PDF

For the entire Patent Litigation Review: Link

PMCA provides guidance on calculating level of de minimis compensation

In the latest International Law Office / Lexology issue on Intellectual Property, Westerberg & Partners’ Maria Bruder and Petter Larsson report on a recent case the where the PMCA provided guidance on how to calculate de minimis compensation in absence of evidence of a licence market for the IP right in suit.

Link to Lexology

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Swedish court confirms that oral hearings may be conducted virtually

In a recent International Law Office / Lexology issue on Arbitration & ADR, Westerberg & Partners’ Jesper Tiberg and Olof Olsson reported on a judgment concerning virtual hearings rendered by the Swedish Svea Court of Appeal.

Link to Lexology

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Museum commits copyright infringement – how much compensation must be paid?

Reasonable compensation for copyright infringement in the unusual context of a museum’s infringement is the topic of the day when Westerberg & Partners’ Filip Jerneke and Hans Eriksson report on a recent case from the Patent and Market Court of Appeal in International Law Office / Lexology,

Link to Lexology

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Questions remain about protection of works of applied art post-Cofemel

In the latest International Law Office / Lexology issue, Westerberg & Partners’ Josefine Lindén and Hans Eriksson reported on a recent case from the Patent and Market Court of Appeal in which the narrow scope of protection for works of applied art were front and centre in a copyright infringement battle between two chairs.

Link to Lexology

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The International Arbitration Review: Sweden

Westerberg & Partners’ Maria Fogdestam Agius has published a chapter in the International Arbitration Review, reporting on developments of international arbitration in Sweden.

Link to article

Court rules on admissibility of infringement proceedings against patent that has not yet been granted

In the latest International Law Office / Lexology issue, Westerberg & Partners’ Björn Rundblom Andersson has reported on a Swedish ruling examining the admissibility of infringement proceedings before patent grant.

Link to article 

Recent Swedish case law on likelihood of confusion assessment for descriptive trademarks

The question of whether there exists likelihood of confusion between two trademarks may arise in several situations.

It may seem commercially attractive to companies to register a trademark that contains descriptive elements, as the targeted consumers will quickly grasp the kind of goods or services sold under the trademark. However, the more descriptive the trademark, the narrower the scope of protection afforded.

To demonstrate the Swedish patent and market courts’ assessment of trademarks with descriptive elements, this article compiles illustrative and relevant examples from Swedish registration and infringement case law from recent years.

Link to article


Likelihood of confusion despite low degree of distinctiveness

In the latest International Law Office / Lexology issue, Westerberg & Partners’ Annalena Nordin and Joanna Wallestam comment on a recent decision by the Swedish Patent and Market Court. Upon opposition, the court found that the trademark TANDLÄKARGRUPPEN ODENPLAN and the earlier registered company name Tandläkarhuset Odenplan AB were confusingly similar. The outcome is notable due to the low degree of distinctiveness in the separate elements of both marks (“tandläkar-” means “dentist” and “Odenplan” is the location of both businesses).

The article may be read through any of the following links:


Interpretation of licence agreements for use of photographic works in Sweden

Hans Eriksson recently published an article in International Law Office / Lexology regarding a recent case from the Patent and Market Court of Appeals concerning the interpretation of copyright contract.

The article may be read through any of the following links:


Use of IT forensic evidence in copyright and trade secret litigation in Sweden

Hans Eriksson recently published an article in International Law Office / Lexology regarding the use of IT forensic evidence in copyright and trade secret litigation and its inherent limitations.

The article may be read through any of the following links:


Re-boxing of parallel traded medicinal products under EU Falsified Medicines Directive

In the latest International Law Office / Lexology issue, Jonas Löfgren and Petter Larsson comment on a recent judgment from the Swedish Patent and Market Court of Appeal concerning the concept of objective necessity in parallel trade in light of the implementation of the EU Falsified Medicines Regulation.

Link to article

Advice for Swedish companies with business in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine

Many Swedish companies have reacted forcefully against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Decisions to suspend or exit operations in Russia, Ukraine or Belarus affect local communities in these countries. As part of their sustainability and corporate responsibility actions, Swedish companies may wish to reflect on their role, rights and responsibilities towards the respect for human rights in armed conflict. Maria Fogdestam Agius have formulated some initial advice for companies (in Swedish).

Link to article

Protecting Swedish investments in Russia through international arbitration

The grim situation in Ukraine continues and so do Russian measures against Western businesses in Russia. Jacob Ericson and Maria Fogdestam Agius recently published an article about options for Swedish companies concerned about their Russian assets and rights.

Link to article

Narrow scope of protection for collective mark HALLOUMI

In a recent International Law Office / Lexology issue, Siri Alvsing and Linnea Harnesk comment on a judgment from the Swedish Patent and Market Court relating to the collective mark HALLOUMI. The judgment highlights the struggles of collective marks (i.e. marks that may be used by several different traders), namely showing that the trademark is perceived as an indication of commercial origin.

Link to article

Investment arbitration initiated by Huawei

Therese Isaksson comments in Swedish daily newspaper Svenska Dagbladet on the investment arbitration initiated by Huawei against the Swedish state.

Link to article (Swedish)

No likelihood of confusion between LEGALROOM and LEGALZOOM

Descriptive elements of an earlier trademark played a decisive role in a question of likelihood of confusion. The Patent and Market Court of Appeal concluded that there is no likelihood of confusion between LEGALROOM and LegalZoom. Annalena Nordin and Joanna Wallestam recently published an article in International Law Office / Lexology.

Link to article

The Patent Litigation Law Review: Sweden

Björn Rundblom Andersson and Petter Larsson have contributed to the 5th edition of The Patent Litigation Law Review.

Link to chapter on Sweden

Link to the entire Patent Litigation Review

Use of climate, sustainability, and environmental claims in advertising

Maria Bruder has authored an article on greenwashing, and what to have in mind when making assertions in marketing related to the climate, sustainability and the environment.
Link to article (Swedish)

Influencer marketing and Swedish marketing law

Westerberg & Partners’ Hans Eriksson and Josefine Lindén have published an article in Blendow Lexnova on two recent judgments from the Patent and Market Court of Appeal that have clarified many questions about how Swedish marketing law should be applied to marketing on social media with the help of influencers.

The article may be read through the following link (in Swedish, behind paywall):

Copyright prohibitions in interests of spiritual cultivation

Axel Seger and Bodil Ehlers recently published an article in International Law Office / Lexology on the copyright protection of works of great cultural importance in the interest of spiritual cultivation.

Link to article

Bad faith trademark registration

Axel Seger and Hans Eriksson recently published an article in International Law Office / Lexology regarding Swedish jurisprudence on bad faith in relation to trademark registrations and how Swedish litigation often turns on the evidence invoked rather than on clear legal precedent.

Link to article

Court hears Bayer Pharma challenge to liability for lifted preliminary injunction

Björn Rundblom Andersson and Måns Ullman have published an article in International Law Office on a recent case which examines, among other things, the applicability and relevance of the CJEU’s Bayer Pharma ruling in Sweden.

Link to article

Recent wave of decisions clarifies position on concept of bad faith

Petter Larsson and Maria Bruder have authored an article in International Law Office on a series of recent judgments by the PMC and the PMCA concerning the concept of bad faith in light of the established ECJ case law and advise prudent rights holders to consider their filing strategies well in advance of market entries in new jurisdictions.

Link to article

Submission of evidence in court proceedings does not constitute copyright infringement

Axel Seger and Hans Eriksson have authored an article in International Law Office on a recent case where the Patent and Market Court of Appeal determined that copyright-protected materials can be freely submitted as evidence to courts in Sweden, as long as the material has some prima facie relevance as evidence in the proceedings.

Link to article

Spirit drink PDO versus trademark registration

Siri Alvsing, Josefine Lindén and Jonas Löfgren have authored an article in International Law Office on a recent judgment from the Administrative Court of Malmö describing the Swedish trademark regulation as parallel to the EU Spirits Drinks Regulation on inter alia the protection of geographical indications, and thus an approved trademark does not preclude the trademark from being in breach of a protected designation of origin under the Spirits Drinks Regulation.

Link to article

Compulsory patent licence as defence against claim for preliminary injunction

Ludvig Holm and Måns Ullman have authored an article in International Law Office on a decision from the PMCA which discusses the uncommon but important and relevant issue of compulsory licenses to patents and its use as defence against claim for preliminary injunction.

Link to article

Legal protection of trade secrets in Sweden

Björn Rundblom Andersson, Hans Eriksson and Axel Seger have contributed to Chambers and Partners’ Law & Practice Sweden section of the recent guide on Trade Secrets 2021. The section includes the latest legal information on misappropriation, litigation, the trial process, remedies, appeals, criminal offences and alternative dispute resolution (ADR).

Chambers and Partners explain: “For each jurisdiction Chambers selects highly ranked lawyers to provide local expertise into the issues identified by the Contributing Editor.”

Link to article

Online marketing of tobacco products

Siri Alvsing and Maria Bruder have authored an article in International Law Office on a recent judgment by the Swedish Patent and Market Court on the rules governing the online sale of tobacco products under the Act on Tobacco and Similar Products (LTLP).

Link to article

Do parties have an absolute right to dispute in person in Sweden?

Olof Olsson and Jesper Tiberg have authored an article in International Law Office on the mandate of an arbitral tribunal to conduct a virtual hearing despite lacking consent from one of the parties.

Link to article

Conflict of law and online marketing

Siri Alvsing and Maria Bruder have authored an article on a recent judgment by the Swedish Patent and Market Court of Appeal (PMCA) on the application of the choice of law principle in marketing law in relation to online marketing.

Link to article

Court finds that GLENETT trademark does not evoke Scotch Whiskey GI

Annalena Nordin has authored an article in International Law Office on a ruling of the Swedish Patent and Market Court on a trademark and its possible association with a specific geographical origin.

Link to article

Patent and Market Court of Appeal rules on distinctiveness of position trademarks

Helena Wassén Öström and Annalena Nordin have authored an article in International Law Office on a ruling of the Patent and Market Court of Appeal on position trademarks used for services.

Link to article

New legislation on tobacco-free nicotine pouches expected

Jonas Löfgren and Måns Ullman have authored an article in International Law Office on the analysis of a likely regulation of tobacco-free nicotine pouches which will be presented by the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs on 31 March 2021.

Link to article

Actual use of company names

Siri Alvsing has authored an article in International Law Office on a recent judgment from the Patent and Market Court of Appeal regarding the requirement on actual use in relation to company names.

Link to article

Calculation of damages in cases of misappropriation of trade secrets and copyright infringement

Hans Eriksson and Josefine Lindén have authored an article in International Law Office on an interesting recent Labour Court decision concerning trade secrets and copyright.

Link to article

Copyright 2021 – Sweden

Stefan Widmark, Bodil Ehlers, Hans Eriksson and Siri Alvsing have again contributed to Chambers and Partners’ Law & Practice section of the recent guide for Copyright 2021 – Sweden.

Chambers and Partners explain: “… Practice Guides provide in-house counsel with expert legal commentary on the main practice areas in key jurisdictions around the world .… For every guide we select Contributing Editors who are ranked in the relevant Chambers Guides as the best in their field. The individual contributors who write the ‘Law and Practice’ … sections are selected on the same basis.”

Link to guide

Article on a recent case from the Patent and Market Court of Appeal

Björn Rundblom Andersson and Josefine Lindén have authored an article in International Law Office on a recent case from the Patent and Market Court of Appeal, where the court found that Sweden has failed to properly implement the EU Enforcement Directive in relation to corrective measures in patent cases.

Link to article

Striden om den svenska e-handeln med alkoholdrycker

Westerberg & Partners Bodil Ehlers och Hans Eriksson har författat en expertkommentar i Blendow Lexnova om e-handel med alkoholdrycker i Sverige.

Länk till artikel (bakom betalspärr)

Marketing of gambling bonuses

Petter Larsson, Stefan Widmark and Bodil Ehlers have authored an article in International Law Office on a recent case from the Patent and Market Court regarding the marketing of gambling bonuses.

Link to article

Do Swedish patent licence agreements last for the life of a patent unless otherwise specified?

Björn Rundblom Andersson has authored an article in International Law Office on the term of Swedish patent licences in light of an interesting judgment from the Swedish Patent and Market Court of Appeal.

Link to article

AI håller på att skruva tillbaka tiden 100 år

AI håller på att skruva tillbaka tiden 100 år, skriver Malcolm Wiberg, managing partner, Westerberg & Partners advokatbyrå.

Länk till artikel

Is Swedish market for CBD oils closed?

Jonas Löfgren and Måns Ullman have authored an article in International Law Office on the Swedish Medical Products Agency’s decisions to classify certain CBD oils as medicinal products and thus prohibiting their marketing as foodstuffs.

Link to article

Article in Swedish journal Ny Juridik

Björn Rundblom Andersson has authored an article discussing some issues relating to the resolution of trade secret disputes in arbitration.

The article is published in the Swedish journal Ny Juridik, issue 3 for 2020, and is available online at following link

Design protection in the Nordic countries – looking back and forward

Linnea Harnesk recently published the article “Design protection in the Nordic countries – looking back and forward” in the Swedish journal NIR (Nordic Intellectual Property Law Review).

The article may be read through the following link (solely open to subscribers) or in the journal which will be distributed to subscribers next week!

Joint handling of patent infringement claims and contractual claims in Swedish IP courts

Hans Eriksson and Josefine Lindén in International Law Office on joint handling of patent infringement claims and contractual claims in Swedish IP courts.

Link to article

Objective necessity to rebox in parallel trade and implementation of EU Falsified Medicines Regulation

Jonas Löfgren and Petter Larsson in International Law Office on a recent judgment from the Patent and Market Court concerning the concept of objective necessity in parallel trade in light of the implementation of the EU Falsified Medicines Regulation.

Link to article

Dynamic blocking injunction against ISPs

Josefine Lindén and Stefan Widmark in International Law Office on the first Swedish precedent on dynamic blocking injunctions.

Link to article

Biosimilars still not subject to mandatory substitution

Jonas Löfgren and Siri Alvsing in International Law Office on a judgment from the administrative court of appeal confirming the view that biosimilars are generally not included in the Swedish system for mandatory substitution.

Link to article

Supreme Court rules on balancing of copyright and fundamental rights

Stefan Widmark and Siri Alvsing in International Law Office on the balancing of copyright and freedom of the press, in the wake of the Supreme Court’s judgment in relation to the political “iron pipe-scandal”.

Link to article

More articles


Shortlisted by Managing IP

Managing IP shortlists Westerberg & Partners in four fields: Patent Disputes, Trademark Disputes, Trademark Prosecution (Law Firms), and Copyright & Design. In addition, two individuals are shortlisted: Henrik Wistam as Practitioner of the Year (Law Firms) and Måns Ullman...

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Top ranked by Chambers Global 2025

Chambers and Partners ranks our Intellectual property team in Band 1, promotes our dispute resolution group to Band 2, and recognizes no less than eight of our experts, in their newly released Global Guide 2025. For more information: Link...

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Svea Court of Appeal upholds Ukraine’s arbitration victory in the “Ukrnafta” shareholders’ case

On January 31, 2025, the Svea Court of Appeal dismissed an attempt to annul an arbitration ruling in favor of Ukraine, securing a significant legal victory in the long-running challenge proceedings against the 2021 arbitral award in Littop Enterprises...

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WTR 1000 ranks professionals leading the way in trademark law and strategy

For the second consecutive year, World Trademark Review recognizes Westerberg & Partners as the only Swedish law firm top ranked in both trademark prosecution and strategy, and enforcement and litigation. “With a stellar reputation in trademark litigation, licensing, and...

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More than a third of our lawyers named leaders in the Lexology Index: Sweden 2025

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Long-running dispute settled

Westerberg & Partners is proud to have contributed to that, 11 years after the arbitral award was issued, a settlement has been reached in the long-running dispute between our clients, the Stati Parties, and the Republic of Kazakhstan. We...

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Henrik Wistam Thought Leader in IP – Trademarks

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Natalia Petrik new FAI board member

We are proud to announce that Natalia Petrik has been elected board member of the Arbitration Institute of the Finland Chamber of Commerce (FAI) as of January 2025. This election adds to the firm’s impressive list of appointments in...

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Westerberg & Partners has acted for funds advised by AUCTUS Capital Partners AG in their acquisition of SPIG S.p.A. and GMAB, leading companies in the field of industrial cooling and flue gas treatment.

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Westerberg & Partners has acted for Solar Sverige AB in the acquisition and construction of their 1 billion SEK investment in a new logistics center in Kumla.

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Westerberg & Partners advises EQL Pharma AB (publ) in product portfolio acquisition from Medilink A/S

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Ginta Ahrel ranked Global Elite Thought Leader

We are delighted to announce that Ginta Ahrel is ranked Global Elite Thought Leader in her field as The Arbitration 2025 report was recently released by Lexology Index in association with Global Arbitration Review after extensive research following nominations...

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Key take-aways about price cuts

Key take-aways about price cuts on Black Friday/Black Week (in Swedish), may be found through this link. Contact our experts in marketing law for more information!...

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A new Swedish Patent Act

A new Swedish Patent Act will enter into force in 2025. To read more about substantiative updates, see link. Do not hesitate to contact our patent team if you wish to know more....

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Sweden Trademark Litigation Firm of the Year Award 2024

We are delighted to have received the Sweden Trademark Litigation Firm of the Year Award at this year’s Global IP Awards. The award is a recognition of our trademarks team’s outstanding achievements across the past 12 months and a...

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Managing IP’s Rising Stars 2024

Westerberg & Partners is delighted to announce that Siri Alvsing and Petter Larsson have been named Rising Stars for the sixth consecutive year along with first-time ranked Rising Star Måns Ullman as the specialist guide IP STARS (Managing IP)...

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SWAN appoints new member of the board

Maria Fogdestam Agius was recently appointed member of the board of SWAN – Swedish Women in Arbitration Network, a role previously held by Ginta Ahrel, now Chairperson of the Swedish Arbitration Association. SWAN is a professional network for women...

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Copyrights & related rights tier 1

IP STARS (Managing IP) have released their Copyright & related rights firm rankings for 2024 with Westerberg & Partners firmly placed in tier 1. For more information about the IP STARS rankings....

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ICC YAAF elects regional representative for Europe and Central Asia

Westerberg & Partners is delighted to share that Jacob Ericson has been elected by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the ICC Arbitration as an ICC YAAF representative for Europe and Central Asia. Elected for...

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Nominated Patent Litigation Firm of the Year, Sweden

Westerberg & Partners has been nominated for Patent Litigation Firm of the Year (Sweden) by IAM and World Trademark Review. The full shortlist of firms: Link...

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The ICC World Council re-elects member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration

Westerberg & Partners is very proud to announce that the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) World Council has re-elected Therese Isaksson to serve as a member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration for a second three-year term. Therese...

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Westerberg & Partners’ patent practice ranked in tier 1

We are pleased to announce that the firm was recently recognized for our patent work as IP STARS (Managing IP) released this year’s rankings placing our patent practice in tier 1. For an overview of IP STARS’ rankings: Read more

New Chair of the Executive Committee of the SAA

Westerberg & Partners is delighted to announce that Ginta Ahrel has been elected Chair of the Executive Committee of the Swedish Arbitration Association (SAA). Ginta brings extensive experience and a strong commitment to the role, and we are confident...

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WTR Global Leaders 2024

Helena Wassén Öström and Henrik Wistam have been recognized as two of the world’s foremost trademark experts as World Trademark Review includes them in this year’s list of Global Leaders in private practice. The full list of WTR Global...

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IP STARS 2024: The leading practitioners in IP

Westerberg & Partners is happy to announce that IP STARS (Managing IP) has published the rankings of senior practitioners leading in patent, trade mark, and copyright. This year’s new Patent star Björn Rundblom Andersson joins previously ranked Patent stars...

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Top Women in IP

Managing IP has revealed the list of this year’s leading female IP practitioners in private practice. Westerberg & Partners is tremendously proud to announce that Helena Wassén Öström is ranked among the Top 250 Women in IP for the...

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Recent launch of the Westerberg Arbitration Tracker 2024

The high-profile debate titled “Will Your Award Stand in Court?” held on 23 May 2024 saw active engagement from practitioners hailing from 14 different countries, both in-person and online. Their valuable contributions enriched the dialogue, fostering a vibrant exchange...

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Trade mark firm rankings released

IP STARS (Managing IP) have released their trade mark firm rankings for 2024. Westerberg & Partners is delighted to confirm that the firm is placed in tier 1 both for trade mark disputes and for trade mark prosecution (law...

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New Handbook Published for Swedish Life Science Companies: “Life Science – Law and Practice”

Norstedts Juridik recently published “Life Science – Law and Practice,” a practical handbook outlined for Swedish companies in the life science industry. This comprehensive guide, the first of its kind, is aimed at business leaders, entrepreneurs, researchers, and professionals...

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AI and copyright

Hans Eriksson was interviewed about AI and copyright on 14 May as reported by Så funkar AI, a Swedish podcast focused on artificial intelligence. Link to the podcast (in Swedish)...

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Vacuum cleaner case takes jurisdiction question to CJEU

The work of Westerberg & Partners’ team led by Björn Rundblom Andersson is mentioned as European patent law news site JUVE Patent reports from the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on 14 May. The article may...

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Westerberg & Partners in the news

Ludvig Holm is one of the interviewees asked about the Scandinavian patent market, as reported by the European patent law news site JUVE Patent on 24 April. Link to article...

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Chambers and Partners ranks Westerberg & Partners as a top-tier firm

In their global and European guides released this year, Chambers and Partners continuously ranks Westerberg & Partners as a top-tier firm and highlights seven of our ranked notable practitioners: intellectual property specialists Henrik Wistam, Jonas Westerberg and Stefan Widmark,...

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Westerberg & Partners endorses the Equal Representation in Arbitration Pledge

Westerberg & Partners proudly announces its endorsement of the Equal Representation in Arbitration Pledge. By joining forces with the Equal Representation Pledge, Westerberg & Partners reaffirms its commitment to uphold equality and fairness across all aspects of its operations....

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Westerberg & Partners in the news

Therese Isaksson is interviewed about arbitration procedures and why it is attractive for international companies to solve their disputes in Sweden, as reported by the Swedish legal news site Dagens Juridik on 20 February. Link to article (in Swedish...

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Managing IP shortlists

Westerberg & Partners is delighted to share Managing IP’s announcement revealing this year’s shortlists on firms and individuals who have contributed to “remarkable IP achievements and developments in the last year”. In addition to the nominations Nordic Law Firm...

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WTR rankings 2024

Westerberg & Partners is proud to be recognized by World Trademark Review 2024 as the only law firm in Sweden to be top ranked in both Prosecution & Strategy and Enforcement & Litigation. “Eliciting confidence and trust with their...

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Gaming Law 2023

Westerberg & Partners is proud to be a contributing firm to the Gaming Law Guide with Chambers Global Practice Guides. The commentary written by Stefan Widmark, Petter Larsson and Hans Eriksson on the gaming sector in Sweden provides expert...

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Designs Committee Comments on Proposed Amendments to EU Industrial Design Law

Linnea Harnesk reports on key proposed amendments to the EU Industrial Design Law that the International Trademark Association (INTA), the European Communities Trademark Association (ECTA), and MARQUES are following and sheds light on their potential impact in an article...

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Westerberg & Partners announces further expansion

Westerberg & Partners is delighted to announce the addition of Natalia Petrik to the team in 2024. Link to press release...

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Investment Treaty Arbitration 2023

Maria Fogdestam Agius has contributed to the GAR Know-how compilation on Investment Treaty Arbitration through a detailed survey of Sweden’s investment treaties. This may be of interest to Swedish companies with investments in other countries as well as to...

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The Global IP Awards

Westerberg & Partners is proud to once again have been named winner of the Trademark Litigation Firm of the Year for Sweden at this year’s Global IP Awards which was held in London on 19 October. Winners are leading...

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The Rising Stars in IP

Westerberg & Partners is proud to announce that Siri Alvsing, Petter Larsson, and Annalena Nordin have once again been ranked Rising Stars as the IP STARS (Managing IP) team has concluded this year’s research recognizing some of the best...

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Leading Public International Law Dispute Resolution Adviser of the Year

Westerberg & Partners is proud to announce that Maria Fogdestam Agius has been named Leading Public International Law Dispute Resolution Adviser of the Year in Sweden. She was recently interviewed by Acquisition International for an article which may be...

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View From the Top

Jonas Westerberg was recently interviewed by Top Ranked Legal about the Swedish IP market. Link to the article : Link...

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Westerberg & Partners hires new associate

We are delighted to welcome new associate Angelica Kaijser to the team!...

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Westerberg & Partners in the news

Stefan Bessman is interviewed about the recent judgment from the Swedish Supreme Court concerning insurance coverage for pandemic-related business interruption caused by government restrictions. Link to the podcast (in Swedish)...

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Westerberg & Partners tier 1

Westerberg & Partners is pleased to announce that the firm secures tier 1 in Managing IP’s IP Stars rankings of the areas patent disputes, trade mark disputes, and trade mark prosecution (law firms) 2023. Patent stars Jonas Westerberg and...

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Westerberg & Partners in the news

Stefan Bessman comments on a recent judgment from the Swedish Supreme Court concerning insurance coverage for pandemic-related business interruption caused by government restrictions, as reported by the Swedish newsletter Sak & Liv. Stefan Bessman and Victoria Ribbnäs acted for...

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Westerberg & Partners is proud to be ranked for the fourth consecutive year in litigation and transactions in the IAM Patent 1000

The guide to “world-class legal patent expertise” top ranks “renowned patent litigator” Jonas Westerberg in band gold, “pragmatic and dedicated practitioner” Ludvig Holm in band silver and “patent litigation star” Björn Rundblom Andersson together with the “smart and well-equipped”...

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Westerberg & Partners Wins Trademark Disputes Firm of the Year in Sweden at Managing IP Awards

Westerberg & Partners is most pleased to announce that our firm was presented as winner of the award Trademark Disputes Firm of the Year in Sweden during Managing IP’s annual awards ceremony in London on 21 June. Nominations for...

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Westerberg & Partners is honored and delighted to announce that the firm has been shortlisted by Managing IP

Westerberg & Partners is honored and delighted to announce that the firm has been shortlisted by Managing IP as Swedish Firm of the Year in the four categories Patent Disputes, Trademark Disputes, Trademark Prosecution (Law firms) and Copyright &...

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“Westerberg & Partners ‘excels in specialist advice …”

New rankings released by The Legal 500 (Legalease) confirm Westerberg & Partners’ position in the top league as our intellectual property and media as well as insurance teams are placed in tier 1. “Dedicated boutique firm on all things IP. Significant pedigree...

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Praise for Westerberg in Chambers Global 2023

Chambers and Partners ranks Westerberg & Partners in Intellectual Property, Dispute Resolution and International & Cross-Border Capabilities in their global guide 2023 with sources asserting “Westerberg & Partners is very strategic, gets the big picture and provides accurate advice with a flexible...

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WTR identifies top trademark professionals

Westerberg & Partners has yet again been identified as leading in trademarks by the World Trademark Review in the latest WTR 1000 rankings. The firm is well established in band gold for enforcement and litigation as well as in band silver for...

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Nordic Arbitration Day 2023

Westerberg & Partners participated in the discussions during the conference arranged by Young Arbitration Practitioners Norway, Young Arbitration Club Finland (YACF), Young Arbitrators Copenhagen and Young Arbitrators Sweden (YAS) with about 200 participants attending from all over the Nordic...

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Westerberg & Partners welcomes two new co-workers to the team.

Westerberg & Partners is pleased to announce the addition to the team of associate Simon Fredriksson and receptionist Elin Karlsson....

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Westerberg & Partners’ Jonas Westerberg has been identified as an IAM Global Leader 2023.

IAM recently listed patent experts in the gold tier who they believe “merit special attention – not only because of their expertise and experience related to creating, protecting, managing, transacting and enforcing critical patent rights, but also for their ability...

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Westerberg & Partners’ Henrik Wistam and Helena Wassén Öström have once again been identified as Global Leaders in private practice by World Trademark Review.

The fourth edition of WTR Global Leaders lists “the best of the best in trademark practice”. We congratulate Helena, Henrik and all Global Leaders in both private practice and corporate trademark! For more information: Click here...

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Westerberg & Partners boosts the team with three new associates securing our position as one of the largest specialist IP and dispute resolution law firms in the Nordics.

The addition of Mathilda Wahlgren, Ulrika Norlin and Victoria Ribbnäs follows that of several previous hires reflecting Westerberg & Partners’ true commitment to cultivate its team of top-notch legal talent....

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Siri Alvsing, Petter Larsson and Annalena Nordin have been named Rising Stars by IP Stars

Congratulations to Siri Alvsing, Petter Larsson and Annalena Nordin who have been named Rising Stars by IP STARS (Managing IP) in this year’s list of the best up-and-coming IP practitioners in private practice world-wide....

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Jacob Ericson has been selected as one of 111 professionals with the highest potential in Sweden

Westerberg & Partners is pleased to announce that Jacob Ericson has been selected as one of 111 professionals under 35 with the highest potential in Sweden in the category Legal Services. Congratulations, Jacob! For more information on Nova: Link...

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Westerberg & Partners welcomes two new associates

Westerberg & Partners is pleased to announce the expansion of our IP specialist team with the addition of two new associates, Felicia Taubert and Filip Jerneke....

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Westerberg in the news

Stefan Bessman comments on the recent criticism concerning bankruptcy trustees having initiated costly and futile court and arbitral proceedings as reported by the Swedish newsletter Sak & Liv. Link to article...

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Westerberg & Partners welcomes additions to our paralegal team and office support

Westerberg & Partners is happy to announce the hire of Kerstin Lagercrantz to our IP paralegal team, following that of assistants Eva Jehrin and Niklas Lindh to our office support....

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IP STARS – Westerberg & Partners ranked in tier 1

Westerberg & Partners has been ranked in tier 1 in the four areas patent contentious, copyright & related rights, trademark contentious, and trademark prosecution (law firms) by Managing IP’s IP STARS this year identifying Jonas Westerberg as Patent star,...

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Westerberg & Partners is pleased to announce that the firm has secured its rankings in litigation and transactions in The Patent 1000.

Clients and colleagues compliment Jonas Westerberg for being a “tremendous litigator with profound legal knowledge”, whereas Ludvig Holm is commended as someone who “showcases the highest level of commitment to his clientele and ensures that all his advice aligns...

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European Cross-border Patent Litigation Team of the Year

We are utterly delighted to announce that Westerberg & Partners was presented as part of the team winning the highly competitive European Cross-border Patent Litigation Team of the Year award for our work on the Illumina Cambridge matter during...

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Helena Wassén Öström is ranked as one of Top 250 Women in IP

Westerberg & Partners is proud to announce that Helena Wassén Öström is once again ranked as one of Top 250 Women in IP in the world as Managing IP recently revealed this year’s leading female intellectual property practitioners in...

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Westerberg & Partners announces its further expansion with latest recruitment

We are delighted to welcome Wendela Hårdemark to the team!Link to press release...

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Westerberg & Partners is pleased to have contributed to Chambers and Partners’ Global Practice Guide

Westerberg & Partners is pleased to have contributed to Chambers and Partners’ Global Practice Guide on Trade Secrets 2022 through the Swedish section authored by Björn Rundblom Andersson and Hans Eriksson. To quote Chambers and Partners, the...

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Managing IP shortlists Westerberg & Partners

Westerberg & Partners is delighted to announce that the firm has yet again been shortlisted as Firm of the Year in Sweden under the three categories Patent Contentious, Trademark Prosecution (law firms) and Copyright & Design by Managing Intellectual...

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Legal 500 ranks Westerberg & Partners

Extremely responsive, know their stuff, practical advice, very easy to work with.” Legal 500 ranks Westerberg & Partners’ experts in Intellectual property and media as well as Insurance at the very top in tier 1.‘Very strong team in Sweden...

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Westerberg & Partners in the news

Westerberg & Partners in the news:“The Covid19 pandemic is not an insurable event” says Stefan Bessman. The Swedish newsletter Realtid reports on the recent court of appeal judgment in Sturecompagniet v. Gjensidige Forsikring. Link to article...

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Westerberg & Partners acts for the insurer Gjensidige Forsikring

Westerberg & Partners acts for the insurer Gjensidige Forsikring in litigation arising from a coverage dispute concerning a business interruption insurance policy. On 11 April 2022, the Stockholm Court of Appeal upheld a ruling by a lower court dismissing...

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Westerberg & Partners represented the Swedish Sports Confederation

Westerberg & Partners have successfully represented the Swedish Sports Confederation in an arbitration against the Swedish Football Association. The arbitration concerned a decision of the 2021 annual general meeting of the Swedish Sports Confederation regarding the distribution of government...

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Copyright 2022 Global Practice Guide – Sweden

Stefan Widmark, Hans Eriksson and Siri Alvsing have contributed to Chambers and Partners’ Law & Practice section of the recent guide for Copyright 2022 – Sweden. Chambers and Partners offer “series of Global Practice Guides, which contain practical guidance...

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Top ranked by Chambers Global 2022

Chambers and Partners points out Westerberg & Partners as a provider of “high-quality advice on cross-border IP and disputes matters” top-ranking the firm in Intellectual Property and Dispute Resolution as well as International & Cross-Border Capabilities in Sweden and...

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WTR ranks world-class legal trademark expertise

Westerberg & Partners’ trademark team has once again been identified as top trademark professionals with world-class legal trademark expertise by World Trademark Review in their guide WTR 1000 2022. The firm secures Band Gold for enforcement and litigation as...

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Three of the best arbitration lawyers in Sweden

Congratulations to Bo G.H. Nilsson, Ginta Ahrel and Therese Isaksson who have been identified as some of the world’s leading arbitration figures and three of the country’s best arbitration lawyers by Who’s Who Legal and Global Arbitration Review. Bo...

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Who’s Who Legal IP 2021

In their latest guide, Who’s Who Legal name Henrik Wistam Leading Individual in IP 2021. Market commentators state he is “the king of trademarks in Sweden”. WWL recommends Jonas Westerberg in both Trademarks and Patents. He is mentioned as...

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Rising Stars

Congratulations to Siri Alvsing, Hans Eriksson and Petter Larsson who have yet again been named Rising Stars by IP STARS! Following the research of the IP Stars team, Managing IP “recognises some of the best up-and-coming intellectual property...

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Westerberg & Partners Tier 1 and highly recommended

This year, Managing IP has ranked Westerberg & Partners in tier 1 in both categories Patent contentious and Trade mark contentious, highly recommending the firm in Trade mark prosecution as well as top ranking the firm in Copyright &...

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Westerberg & Partners listed as top arbitration practice

We are delighted to announce that The Global Arbitration Review (GAR) has selected Westerberg & Partners for inclusion in their 2021 guide to the world’s leading arbitration firms and expert witness providers: The GAR 100 (14th Edition). We are...

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Recognized as WTR Global Leaders

Westerberg & Partners’ Helena Wassén Öström and Henrik Wistam were recently recognized in the 2021 edition of WTR Global Leaders in private practice by World Trademark Review. Through their research, WTR identifies the leading players in more than 80...

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IAM Patent 1000 has ranked Westerberg & Partners in litigation and transactions

Westerberg & Partners is proud to announce that IAM Patent 1000 has once more ranked our firm in litigation and transactions. We are especially glad to see that so many of our lawyers have either improved or secured their...

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Helena Wassén Öström – One of top 250 Women in IP ranked by Managing IP

Managing IP recently revealed this year’s leading female intellectual property practitioners in private practice. Westerberg & Partners is delighted to announce that Helena Wassén Öström is once again included in the list of Top 250 Women in IP from more than 30 jurisdictions and...

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Therese Isaksson has been elected member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration

Congratulations to Westerberg & Partners’ Therese Isaksson who was recently appointed by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) World Council to serve as a member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, the world’s leading arbitral institution. Patricia Shaughnessy (associate professor in Procedural Law at Stockholm University)...

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Ginta Ahrel has been elected board member of the SAA

Westerberg & Partners is proud to announce that Ginta Ahrel has been elected board member of the Swedish Arbitration Association (SAA). For more information:

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We are delighted to welcome Stefan Bessman to Westerberg & Partners’ team!

On 1 July 2021, Stefan Bessman will join the leading dispute resolution and IP firm Westerberg & Partners. Stefan Bessman, who has more than 25 years’ experience of dispute resolution, has been a partner with Baker McKenzie since the...

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Astrid Baldomero Warstrand awarded Best Master’s Thesis 2020

Astrid Baldomero Warstrand was recently awarded Best Master’s Thesis 2020 by the Faculty of Law at Uppsala University. She also presented her thesis on the exploration of the legal possibilities of creating an independent Catalan State during the Uppsala...

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Westerberg & Partners expands with the hire of three associates

We are happy to announce that Westerberg & Partners bolsters the team with the hire of Jacob Ericson. Jacob is the third addition this year following that of fellow associates Axel Seger in January and Astrid Baldomero Warstrand...

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Maria Fogdestam Agius nominated by the Swedish Government

Maria Fogdestam Agius has been nominated by the Swedish Government to the European Commission’s pool of arbitrators for bilateral disputes under EU free trade agreements. The Commission maintains a roster of renowned candidates with relevant expertise from which it...

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The Legal 500 top ranks Westerberg & Partners

“Probably the preferred choice in Sweden.” Westerberg & Partners’ Intellectual property and media team has secured their position right at the top in tier 1 and our Dispute resolution team is top ranked in tier 2. The firm is...

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Fundamental Principles of International Arbitration in Sweden

Bo G.H. Nilsson and Björn Rundblom Andersson have authored a chapter on Fundamental Principles of International Arbitration in Sweden for the second edition of International Arbitration in Sweden: A Practitioner’s Guide. The chapter provides, among other things, an introduction...

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Winner of the Swedish Copyright & Design Firm of the Year award

Westerberg & Partners presented as winner of the Swedish Copyright & Design Firm of the Year award. We are delighted to have received this award at the sixteenth annual Managing IP ceremony held virtually in London on 30 March....

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Westerberg & Partners ranked as a leader in our fields by Chambers

Chambers and Partners continues to promote Westerberg & Partners as a leader in our fields Intellectual Property and Dispute Resolution. We are particularly proud that Ginta Ahrel is included by the Europe guide for the first time. Six of...

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Ginta Ahrel interviewed by Young ICSID

Westerberg & Partners’ Ginta Ahrel was recently interviewed by Young ICSID for their series about young arbitration practitioners alongside Deva Villanúa (Armesto & Asociados) and Baiju Vasani (Ivanyan & Partners LLP). Read the article here:

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Westerberg & Partners ranked in Chambers Global once again

We are pleased that Westerberg & Partners is ranked in Chambers Global once again as one of the leading firms in Sweden in both Intellectual Property and Dispute Resolution. Special congratulations to Ginta Ahrel who entered the individual rankings...

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Westerberg & Partners shortlisted by Managing IP

Westerberg & Partners is most happy to announce that the firm has been shortlisted as Firm of the Year in Sweden under the four categories Patent Contentious, Trademark Contentious, Trademark Prosecution and Copyright & Design by Managing IP 2021....

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Westerberg & Partners repeat top rankings by WTR 1000

Westerberg & Partners’ trademark team repeats top rankings by WTR 1000. The firm secures Band Gold for enforcement and litigation as well as Band Silver for prosecution and strategy. Congratulations to Henrik Wistam, Helena Wassén Öström and Read more

Ginta Ahrel – new appointed member of the board of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC).

The Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce explains: “The function of the SCC Board is to make decisions as required under the SCC Rules. This includes decisions regarding prima facie jurisdiction, appointment of arbitrators, challenge to arbitrators...

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Intervju SVT Nyheter

Westerberg & Partners Stefan Widmark har intervjuats av SVT Nyheter angående en aktuell och uppmärksammad tvist om användning av namn och bild på en känd person på ett konstverk. Länk till intervju...

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Arbitration 2021 WWL rankings

Congratulations to Bo G.H. Nilsson and Ginta Ahrel who have been identified as leading names in Arbitration 2021 by Who’s Who Legal and Global Arbitration Review! Nominated by peers and clients, Bo is recommended as a Global Leader and...

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Westerberg & Partners expands on international disputes and intellectual property

Specialist IP and dispute boutique firm Westerberg & Partners today announces that one of its senior associates, IP specialist Hans Eriksson, will join its partnership. At the same time, we are pleased to announce that Westerberg & Partners also...

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Rising Stars by IP STARS

Congratulations to Hans Eriksson, Siri Alvsing and Petter Larsson who have again been named Rising Stars by IP STARS !...

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Global Leaders 2020 in private practice by World Trademark Review (WTR).

Congratulations to Helena Wassén Öström and Henrik Wistam who are ranked as Global Leaders 2020 in private practice by World Trademark Review (WTR). WTR aim to “identify the ‘best of the best’ in trademark practice” and only...

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Westerberg & Partners boosts partnership ranks

On 1 September 2020, IP specialist Maria Bruder joins the leading IP and dispute resolution firm Westerberg & Partners. Maria will support its growth within IP and dispute resolution. With unique experience from having practiced IP as a judge...

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IAM Patent 1000 ranks Westerberg & Partners

We are proud to announce that IAM Patent 1000 has ranked our firm for the very first time. In litigation, Westerberg & Partners is placed in band silver, and in transactions our team is recommended. It is especially pleasing...

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Helena Wassén Öström Top 250 Women in IP ranked by Managing IP

Congratulations to Helena Wassén Öström who has been included in Managing IP’s list of Top 250 Women in IP in their latest edition recognising “the leading female IP practitioners in private practice who have performed exceptionally for...

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GAR 100 lists Westerberg & Partners as a top arbitration practice

For the first time, Global Arbitration Review (GAR) includes Westerberg & Partners in their 2020 guide to ‘approved’ top arbitration practices in the world: GAR 100. The research team received client feedback that “the firm knew ‘how to do...

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Therese Isaksson designated conciliator

Congratulations to Therese Isaksson who has been designated conciliator at the World Bank Group’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) by the Swedish government, a position she will hold during the coming six years. ICSID...

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Ranked in tier 1 for IP and tier 2 for dispute resolutuion

“The team is extremely responsive, quick to understand the economic background and practical priorities and exhibits great judgement.” In their first ever ranking of our firm, Legal500 places Westerberg & Partners’ Intellectual property and media team right at the...

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Ranked in Chambers Europe 2020

Just starting our second year, we are pleased to announce that Chambers & Partners continues to promote our firm. Today our Intellectual Property team is in Band 2 and our Dispute Resolution team is in Band 3. We are...

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Westerberg & Partners awarded as the Swedish Trade Mark Contentious Firm of the Year as well as the Swedish Copyright Firm of the Year

We are absolutely delighted to have been awarded not one, but two awards at the fifteenth annual Managing IP Awards in London on 5 March. The Managing IP EMEA Awards recognises and celebrates remarkable achievements and developments in the...

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Westerberg & Partners top ranked by WTR 1000

“Consistent on quality, Westerberg & Partners is best in show for trademark work.” Westerberg & Partners’ trademark team has secured top rankings by WTR 1000. The firm was placed in Band Gold for enforcement and litigation and in Band...

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Who’s Who Legal – Most Highly Regarded

Congratulations to Bo G.H. Nilsson and Henrik Wistam! This year, Who’s Who Legal has recognized them as the “Most Highly Regarded” lawyers in Sweden in Arbitration and Trademarks respectively. For more information:

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